Ralph D. Gardnerpapers 1919–1967 1925–1944


Ralph D. Gardnerpapers 1919–1967 1925–1944

The Ralph D. Gardner Papers is a collection of plays, stories, and case reports written by Pennsylvania State Police officer Ralph D. Gardner. Spanning the dates 1919 to 1967, with the bulk of the collection dated between 1925 and 1944, the papers consist of one linear foot of carbon copies of case reports, correspondence, clippings, a speech, magazines, two photographs, as well as typescript and handwritten manuscripts for plays and stories.

1 linear foot



SNAC Resource ID: 6363614

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Gardner, Ralph D., 1923-....

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6q82911 (person)

According to the dates on the reports available in this collection, Ralph D. Gardner was employed by the Pennsylvania State Police from at least 1925 until 1944. He rose in rank from Private in the 1920s and early 1930s to Lieutenant by the 1940s. In the early 1920s he was assigned to Troop “C” and stationed at Reading, Pennsylvania. By 1929 he had been assigned to the Bureau of Fire Protection and stationed at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Although Gardner investigated a va...